March 31, 2022
3 ways to use mind maps to revise better

Students from all over the world have a common enemy in the form of deadlines. Deadlines that seem to constantly be lingering above their heads. If only everyone was prompt enough to plan for submissions and exams a month in advance, but just getting started on your work can often seem like the hardest part. This problem can be solved using mind maps.
Mind mapping is a tool that can be used by students to solve numerous problems they face while trying to revise for exams or plan their essays. It helps in making the process more encouraging and fun. Read on to discover more such benefits of mind maps which can promote your academic success.
Using mind mapping as a tool, you won’t procrastinate when writing your essays anymore.
Improve your memory
The traditional methods of studying involve memorising text heavy facts, figures and theories which are not exactly conducive to the human mind. Studies have repeatedly shown that any kind of visual data is comparatively easier to retain for longer periods of time. Mind mapping techniques for learning are based on visual cues and colourful objects which seem more pleasing to the eye than the traditional method of copying out revision notes.
As you can imagine, mind mapping allows you to unlock a whole world of visual thinking and helps store masses of informational nuggets. A great way to start revising for your upcoming exams or to start writing your next essay is to pick a central theme/idea and begin adding branches to it. Using just a few keywords, images and various stickers, you can breakdown facts to ensure you recall important information when needed.
What works best is to move through topics, going from the broad to the more specific ones. Always remember to add images, icons and even emojis to enhance your visual learning and make all-important memory associations.
Organise your ideas
It’s often the first step that feels more daunting than actually completing the entire revision process. When the question is where to start, the key is to divide your work into manageable chunks, connecting them together and picking them up one by one.
No student’s work is limited to just one subject, so whilst juggling multiple modules at the same time, your priorities might get blurry. Mind mapping stops this from happening. Your mind map will always remind you of your central theme, and the branches drawn from it in a chronological order will ensure no time is squandered over futile matters such as remembering what to focus on.
A good mind mapping practice would be to create a revision workflow by breaking down the tasks that need to be performed for each subject. The outwardly radiating structure of a mind map from every single branch which forms it will make tracing back through them to the core subject which they relate to, super easy. Coincidentally, this format of mind maps also makes it a great tool for planning essays, as you can move from your thesis statement, to key arguments, through to your natural conclusions for each point with logic and structure.
Radial mind maps can provide better structure to your revision and help you recall everything you’ve learned more easily.
Dodge revision boredom
It can be rather easy to get bored of huge texts of information, but when you create notes in the form of mind maps, the colourful visuals, inspiring images and fluid branches will make revision seem like fun too. After all, what is more fun than transforming a tiresome task into something which becomes easy?
Many of us know the path from boredom to procrastination all too well. Keeping your brain engaged is a must if you want to make the most of your revision time. With the help of mind maps though, this is very much achievable. For instance, traditional mind maps can give your brain a welcome break by presenting interlinking ideas in colour-coded structures. The result? Your brain will be ravenously consuming huge amounts of information in the form of tiny packets.
Equally effective is the novel format known as the Radial Map which is found in some mind mapping software like Ayoa. This alternative approach is bound to stimulate not only the visual side of your brain but also your motivation because it will give you a complete picture of all the knowledge you’re accruing through revising.
And, if all else fails, you should get active with your revision in order to avoid boredom. Multiple studies have found that one of the most effective ways to retain knowledge is actually to teach someone else. By teaching others and being taught by others with mind maps, not only will your visual senses be engaged but so too your auditory and tactile senses, getting your entire brain working hard for your revision aims.
Mind mapping techniques are not novel to the world of education, but digital mind mapping allows you to do way more than you’ll be able to do with a pen and paper. The visually pleasing features of mind mapping help you to retain more information for a longer period, the chronological structure of mind maps helps you organise your work by focusing on the more important topics and the text-easy format, colourful display and newer forms of mind map will keep your brain from getting bored.
You couldn’t find a better tool to ensure revising in an efficient and effective manner. So start using mind maps today to perform better in exams and to produce well-thought and planned essays!
We all have dreaded starting revision at some point and chosen the path of procrastinating… Share with us, the craziest excuse you’ve given yourself to avoid doing your work.