Create and Connect Ideas with Mind Mapping

Discover how to make a mind map in a few simple steps

mind map illustration
floaty map 1

lightbulbWhat is mind mapping?

Mind maps are visual expressions of your ideas that help you record, memorise, and connect the dots. Designed to be non-linear to mirror your natural thinking patterns, mind maps harmonise with our cognitive functions.

Creativity, recall, learning, analysis and more can all be improved thanks to their distinct combination of colour, imagery and visual-spatial arrangement working together to enhance the brain’s output.

More on the history of mind mapping
floaty map 2

Step 1: Create your central idea

Representing the topic you intended to explore, the central idea is the starting point of your mind map. Its image or style should represent the topic in order to keep you focused on your subject and trigger associations – our brains respond better to visual stimuli.

central idea
Add branches

Step 2: Add branches

The main branches which flow from the central idea will carry key themes. Explore each theme or main branch in greater depth by adding child branches for extra detail. With a mind map, you can continually add new branches so your ideas will never be restricted.

Step 3: Add keywords

Each branch should include a key idea represented with one word – keeping to one word only sparks off a greater number of associations as opposed to using multiple words or phrases.

add keywords
Colour code branches

Step 4: Colour code branches

Mind mapping encourages the overlap of a range of cortical skills such as logical, numerical and creative. For instance, colour coding within your mind map spurs whole brain thinking; it links the visual with the logical, helping your brain to make mental shortcuts. It also allows you to categorise, highlight, analyse information and identify even more connections.

Step 5: Include images

A picture is worth a thousand words. And this is definitely the case when it comes to mind mapping. Images have the power to convey much more information than words as they are processed instantly by the brain, acting as visual stimuli to recall information. Before children learn a language, they visualise pictures in their minds which are linked to concepts: mind mapping maximises the powerful potential of imagery.

include images


Why Organic Mind Maps Are Better

All of the mind maps showcased above are organic mind maps created using the app. Organic mind maps, with their flowing, curved branches and natural structure, offer several advantages over traditional linear mind maps:

  • 1. Enhanced creativity: The free-form nature of organic mind maps allows for more spontaneous idea generation and association.
  • 2. Better representation of thought processes: Our brains don’t think in straight lines. Organic maps mirror the natural, non-linear way our minds make connections.
  • 3. Increased engagement: The visually appealing, artistic quality of organic maps makes the process more enjoyable, encouraging longer and more productive brainstorming sessions.
  • 4. Improved memory retention: The unique shapes and layouts of organic maps create stronger visual cues, aiding in information recall.
  • 5. Greater flexibility: Organic maps easily accommodate new ideas and connections without disrupting the overall structure.

To maximise the benefits of mind mapping and truly enjoy the process, we recommend using hand-drawn methods or computer-aided applications like Ayoa that enable the creation of organic mind maps. These tools allow you to harness the full power of visual thinking, leading to more effective brainstorming, planning, and problem-solving.

Mind map inspiration

Looking for some more creative rocket power before you set off in making your own mind map?
Fuel your mind with these great examples from our gallery.

View our gallery