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August 13, 2024

The Background of Mind Mapping

by Chris Griffiths posted in Tips & Facts.

Ayoa | The Background of Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping is a powerful technique for recording and presenting ideas or concepts in a visual format that the brain finds captivating and easy to process.

It was invented and popularised by world-renowned author and ‘brain expert’ Tony Buzan in the early 1970s. While at University he made the surprising discovery that conventional linear methods of taking notes do very little to enhance the thinking process, and can even be detrimental to it!

Determined to find a way to help him study better, Tony delved into all the scientific research he could find on the brain. His in depth exploration into the subject revealed that the brain works according to certain basic principles, and having developed a fascination with the subject, he swiftly set about formulating a tool to complement those principles as an effective alternative to traditional linear note-taking. The result of this ‘labour of love’ is the Mind Map – a technique which today is highly regarded for its ability to help people organise their thoughts, stimulate ideas and tap into their innate productive capacity. When you create a Mind Map you engage your brain in both logical AND creative ways, making it a successful all-round thinking tool!

Creativity Mind Map

It’s no coincidence that some of the greatest thinkers, scientists and artists of the past (such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein) used visual concepts similar to Mind Mapping while drafting their notes. In recent years, the popularity of Mind Mapping has risen spectacularly with the advent of computer Mind Mapping, and the number of people using it globally as an aid in study, planning, decision making, problem solving and career management continues to grow and grow. High profile fans of Mind Mapping include the likes of Microsoft Founder Bill Gates and former Vice President of the United States Al Gore.

“Most of us now live in an ‘information democracy’…. But while we’ve gone a long way toward optimizing how we use information, we haven’t yet done the same for knowledge…. But as software gets smarter about how people think and work, it’s starting to help them synthesize and manage knowledge, too… new generation of ”mind-mapping“ software can also be used as a digital ”blank slate“ to help connect and synthesize ideas and data—and ultimately create new knowledge.”

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft – Newsweek, 19th Dec 2005

Mind Mapping is truly universal and can be applied to any aspect of life where clearer thinking, better organisation, greater creativity and improved learning will enhance human performance.

Chris Griffiths

Chris Griffiths, is a bestselling author with decades of experience in the areas of creativity, metacognition and innovation. His books have been published in over 20 languages and his previous title ‘The Creative Thinking Handbook’ was selected by Forbes as one of the best books to “get your creative juices flowing” and named the #1 business book for inspiring innovation by CEO Today. He is an advocate of using technology to improve thinking, and his latest app, Ayoa.com, is used by millions worldwide.

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